Suggested Program Tracks
The following list organizes graduate courses taught in AE and other departments in a set of topical tracks. These lists are provided as guides when selecting courses in your area of interest. Actual course selection should be done in consultation with your advisor.
- AE 511: Transonic aerodynamics
- AE 514: Boundary layer theory
- AE 515: Wing theory
- AE 564: Advanced Aero Propulsion Lab
- AE 598 AAA: Advanced applied aerodynamics
- TAM 537: Experimental fluid mechanics
Fundamental fluid mechanics
- AE 510: Advanced gas dynamics
- AE 513: Dispersed multiphase flow
- AE 514: Boundary layer theory
- TAM 531: Inviscid flow
- TAM 532: Viscous flow
- TAM 536: Instability and transition
- TAM 537: Experimental fluid mechanics
- TAM 538: Turbulence
Computational fluid mechanics
- AE 510: Advanced gas dynamics
- AE 598 CFD: Advanced computational aerodynamics
- AE 598 CMF: Multiphase Computational Fluid Dynamics
- TAM 570: Computational fluid mechanics
Combustion & Propulsion
- AE 433: Aerospace propulsion
- AE 434: Rocket propulsion
- AE 435: Electric space propulsion
- AE 538: Combustion fundamentals
- AE 564: Diagnostics for aerodynamics and propulsion
- AE 402: Orbital Mechanics
- AE 502: Adv. Orbital Mechanics
- AE 504: Optimal Aerospace Systems
- AE 508: Optimal Spacecraft Trajectories
- AE 403: Spacecraft Attitude Control
- AE 454: Intro. To Dynamics & Control
- AE 554: Dynamical Systems Theory
- AE 434: Rocket Propulsion
- MATH 484: Nonlinear Programming
- GE 531: Genetic Algorithm Methods
- ENG 451: Cubesat
Dynamical Systems & Control
- AE 454: Intro. To Dynamics & Control
- AE 504: Optimal Aerospace Systems
- AE 554: Dynamical Systems Theory
- AE 455: Estimation & Data Assimilation
- AE 552: Random Dynamical Systems (no longer in course catalog)
- AE 555:Multivariable Control Design
- AE 556: Robust Control
- ECE 534: Random Processes
- ECE 580: Optimization by Vector Space Methods
- PHYS 510: Nonlinear Dynamics
- PHYS 511: Adv. Nonlinear Dynamics
- PHYS 500: Advanced Mechanics
- MATH 561: Theory of Probability I
- MATH 562: Theory of Probability II
- MATH 518: Differentiable Manifolds I
- MATH 519: Differentiable Manifolds II
Information & Intelligent Systems
- AE 483: Aerospace Computing Systems
- CS 473: Algorithms
- AE 482: Intro. to Robotics
- AE 598: Distributed Systems & Control
- IE 598: Convex Optimization
- AE 504: Optimal Aerospace Systems
- AE 554: Dynamical Systems Theory
- ECE 534: Random Processes (?)
- MATH 482: Linear Programming
- MATH 484: Nonlinear Programming
- MATH 518: Differentiable Manifolds I
- MATH 519: Differentiable Manifolds II
- CS 446: Machine Learning
- AE 555:Multivariable Control Design
- AE 556: Robust Control
- ECE549/CS543: Computer Vision
Aerospace Materials
- TAM 451: Intermediate Solid Mechanics or TAM 551: Solid Mechanics I
- AE 420: Finite Element Analysis
- AE/TAM 427: Mechanics of Polymers
- AE/TAM 428: Mechanics of Composites
- AE 522: Dynamic Response of Materials
- AE 523: Nanoscale Contact Mechanics
- AE 525: Advanced Composite Materials
- AE 526: Composite Manufacturing
- AE 529: Viscoelasticity Theory
- AE 598/TAM 555: Fracture Mechanics
- AE 560: Fracture Mechanics Laboratory
- ME 551: Polymer Rheology & Processing
- TAM 424: Mechanics of Structural Metals
- TAM 456: Experimental Stress Analysis
- TAM 524: Micromechanics of Materials
- TAM 554: Plasticity
- CEE 576: Nonlinear finite elements
- CEE 598 TCI: Computational inelasticity
Aerospace Structures
- TAM 451: Intermediate Solid Mechanics or TAM 551: Solid Mechanics I
- AE 420: Finite Element Analysis
- AE 451: Aeroelasticity
- AE 598NA: Nonlinear Aeroelasticity
- AE 528: Large Deformation Theory
- TAM 518: Wave Motion
- CEE 571: Plates and Shells
- CEE 573: Structural Dynamics II
- CEE 598 FEC: Nonlinear continuum finite element method
- CEE 598 NFM: Nonlinear finite element method
Aerospace Systems Engineering
- AE 542: Aerospace Systems Engineering I
- AE 543: Aerospace Systems Engineering II
- AE 402: Orbital Mechanics
- AE 454: Systems Dynamics and Controls
- AE 504: Optimal Aerospace Systems
- AE 420: Finite Elements
- AE 451: Aeroelasticity
- AE 410: Computational Aerodynamics
- AE 416: Applied Aerodynamics
- AE 419: Aircraft Flight Mechanics
- AE 433: Propulsion
- AE 434: Rocket Propulsion
- AE 514: Boundary Layer Theory
- AE 498: Aerospace Flight Vehicle Systems
- AE 498/598: special problems
- ECE 515/ME540: Control System Theory and Design
- IE 400: Design & Anlys of Experiments
- IE 411: Optimization of Large Scale Systems
- IE 413: Simulation
- GE 450: Decision Analysis I
- GE 525: Control of Complex Systems
- GE 530: Multi-attribute Decision Making