Undergraduate Tech Electives
The following is an incomplete list of approved Technical Electives. Note that this list is based on historical data only; courses other than those listed may qualify. A list of historically unacceptable courses can be found at the bottom of the page. Please contact Laura Gerhold with any questions.
If you would like to have a course reviewed for technical elective credit, please fill out this form and submit it to Laura Gerhold.
List effective November 2019.
AE Technical Electives
- AE 402 - Orbital Mechanics
- AE 403 - Spacecraft Attitude Control
- AE 410 - Computational Aerodynamics
- AE 412 - Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer
- AE 416 - Applied Aerodynamics
- AE 419 - Aircraft Flight Mechanics
- AE 420 - Finite Element Analysis
- AE 427 - Mechanics of Polymers
- AE 428 - Mechanics of Composites
- AE 434 - Rocket Propulsion
- AE 435 - Electric Propulsion
- AE 451 - Aeroelasticity
- AE 454 - Systems Dynamics & Control
- AE 456 - Global Nav Sattellite Systems
- AE 468 - Optical Remote Sensing
- AE 482 - Introduction to Robotics
- AE 484 - UAV Performance, Design, and Fabrication
- AE 485 - Spacecraft Environment and Interactions
- AE 497* - Independent Study
- AE 498 - Special Topics
- ENG 491 CU1 & CU2 - Interdisciplinary Design Proj (CubeSat)
*No more than 3 hours total can be applied as AE Technical Elective and Non-AE Technical Elective.
Non-AE Technical Electives
- ABE 424 - Principles of Mobile Robotics
- ASTR 404 - Stellar Astrophysics
- ASTR 405 - Solar Sys and IS Medium
- ASTR 406 - Galaxies and the Universe
- ASTR 414 - Astronomical Techniques
- ATMS 301 - Atmospheric Themodynamics
- ATMS 302 - Atmospheric Dynamics I
- ATMS 303 - Weather Analysis
- ATMS 304 - Atmospheric Radiation
- ATMS 305 - Computing and Data Analysis
- ATMS 306 - Cloud Physics
- ATMS 313 - Weather Forecasting
- ATMS 406 - Tropical meteorology
- ATMS 410 - Radar Meteorolgy
- CEE 310 - Transportation Engineering
- CEE 330 - Environmental Engineering
- CEE 360 - Structural Engineering
- CEE 380 - Geotechnical Engineering
- CEE 407 - Airport Design
- CEE 412 - High-Speed Raill Engineering
- CEE 451 - Enviromental Fluid Mechanics
- CEE 471 - Structural Mechanics
- CHEM 232 - Elementary Organic Chem I
- CHEM 233 - Elementary Organic Chem Lab I
- CHEM 236 - Fundamental Organic Chem I
- CS 225 - Data Structures
- CS 233 - Computer Architecture
- CS 420 - Parallel Progrmg: Sci & Engrg
- CS 461 – Computer Security I
- CS 465 - User Interface Design
- CSE 412 - Numerical Thermo-Fluid Mechs
- ECE 210 - Analog Signal Processing
- ECE 220 - Computer Systems & Programming
- ECE 310 - Digital Signal Processing
- ECE 311 - Digital Signal Processing Lab
- ECE 329 - Fields and Waves I
- ECE 330 - Power Ckts & Electronmechanics
- ECE 342 - Electronic Circuits
- ECE 343 - Electronic Circuits Lab
- ECE 473 - Fundamentals of Engineering Acoustics
- ECE 485 - Introduction to Microelectromechanical Devices and Systems
- ECE 486 - Control Systems
- ECE 489 - Robot Dynamics and Control
- SE 310 - General Engineering Design
- SE 420 - Digital Control Systems
- SE 423 - Mechatronics
- IE 310 - Operations Research
- IE 431 - Design for Six Sigma
- MATH 347 - Fundamental Mathematics
- MATH 402 - Non Euclidean Geometry
- MATH 413 - Intro to Combinatorics
- MATH 416 - Abstract Linear Algebra
- MATH 442 - Intro to Partial Diff Equations
- MATH 446 - Applied Complex Variables
- MATH 461 - Probability Theory
- MATH 482 - Linear Programming
- MATH 484 - Nonlinear Programming
- MATH 489 - Dynamics & Differential Eqns
- ME 320 - Heat Transfer
- ME 360 - Signal Processing
- ME 370 - Mechanical Design I
- ME 400 - Energy Conversion Systems
- ME 401 - Refrigeration and Cryogenics
- ME 498 (section CM3) - Tools of Computational Mechanics
- MSE 401 - Thermodynamics of Materials
- MSE 440 - Mechanical Behavior of Metals
- MSE 443 - Design of Engineering Alloys
- MSE 450 - Polymer Science & Engineering
- MSE 453 - Plastics Engineering
- MSE 457 - Polymer Chemistry
- NPRE 201 - Energy Systems
- NPRE 402 - Nuclear Power Engineering
- NPRE 470 - Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Sources
- NPRE 475 - Wind Power Systems
- NPRE 498 - Energy Storage and conveyance
- PHYS 325 - Classical Mechanics I
- PHYS 326 - Classical Mechanics II
- PHYS 435 - Electromagnetic Field I
- PHYS 485 - Atomic Phys Quantum Theory
- PHYS 486 - Quantum Physics I
- STAT 428 - Statistical Computing
- STAT 448 - Advanced Data Analysis
The following is an incomplete list of courses not accepted as Technical Electives. Please contact Laura Gerhold with any questions.
- ABE 436 - Renewable Energy Systems
- ATMS 201 - General Physical Meteorology
- ASTR 210 - General Astronomy
- ASTR 330 - Extraterrestrial Life
- GE 400 - Engineering Law
- IE 340 - Human Factors
- MATH 406 - History of Calculus
- ME 310 - Introductory Gas Dynamics
- ME 410 - Intermediate Gas Dynamics
- PHYCS 419 - Space, Time, And Matter
- TAM 251 - Introductory Solid Mechanics
- TAM 335 - Introductory Fluid Mechanics
- TMGT 460 - Business Process Modeling
- TSM 464 - Engine and Tractor Power
Undergraduate Contacts
Timothy Bretl
Undergraduate Programs
(217) 244-3126
Laura Ann Gerhold
Academic Advisor & Coordinator of Undergraduate Program
(217) 244-8671
Audrey Cochran
Academic Advisor