Creating a space where everyone knows they belong

Our differences make us stronger

We strive to make everyone feel welcome in our community and to empower all to speak freely so we can learn and benefit from hearing all voices.  In doing this we allow everyone to take advantage of opportunities, to grow and succeed, and to elevate society.


Aero's Space to Belong

A  committee of faculty, staff, and students was charged in 2021 to  enhance the feeling of community, belonging, and trust within the Aerospace Engineering department and to help  resolve conflict within the department. 

      Special Events       Reporting Responding Reconciling

What do we mean by belonging...


The Alma Mater statue at the intersection of Wright and Green Streets holds her arms open, welcoming all.  It is a visual reminder of our continued efforts to let students, faculty, staff and visitors know they belong here.

quadrants with different silhouettes

Uniquely Together 
Great ideas and change don't typically arise from homogeneity. We acknowledge and celebrate our uniqueness. It is our differences that can help lead us to new ideas, breakthroughs and growth. 

Students:              Instructors: Wayne Chang, Laura Gerhold, and Brian Woodard.

We strive to create a campus community where all members are and feel respected, have a sense of belonging, and are able to participate and achieve to their greatest potential. 

A Q and A on with Dept. Head Jonathan Freund

Dept. Head Jonathan Freund

Why is diversity valuable in academia and in STEM?

I see two main costs when we fail---in any way---to be diverse.

As a leadership institution, Illinois does world-leading research and trains future leaders to impact technology and society.  Both are done best when we draw on the broadest possible pool of talent in aerospace engineering. This means welcoming recruiting from every race, country, disability, religion, gender, and orientation.

If anyone feels unwelcome, it is unlikely they will achieve their potential, which is a missed opportunity for the department, the university, and the society we serve.  A diverse environment is one of the best ways to foster a sense of inclusion that allows realization of personal potential.

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Belonging Committee Contacts

Theresa Saxton-Fox

Tess Saxton-Fox
Committee Chair

Melkior Ornik

Melkior Ornik

Laura Gerhold

Laura Gerhold

Debra Levey Larson

Debra Levey Larson