Prospective Student FAQs

(Please click on any question below to view the answer.)

Is the Aerospace Program more focused on the aeronautical or astronautical portion of engineering?

The AE undergraduate program emphasizes both areas, i.e., the "core courses" (fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, propulsion) are the same for all students. However, in their senior years, the students get to pick the focus of their year-long capstone design project (aircraft or spacecraft) and pick at least two elective AE courses in the discipline of their choice. Some of these courses are related to aircraft (applied aerodynamics, fundamental fluid mechanics, ...), others to spacecraft (orbital mechanics, spacecraft trajectory, ...). We also have extra-curricular activities in both areas: aircraft and spacecraft design.

Does AE have student organizations that I can be involved?

The department has a number of very active student organizations.

How do I schedule a visit?

Register for a visit with Aerospace Engineering online.

When will I have my first Aerospace class?

During your freshman year, you will register for AE 100, Introduction to Aerospace Engineering. This class covers an introduction to both aeronautical and astronautical engineering and include hands on projects related to both fields.

Is tutoring available in AE?

Tutoring for Aerospace coursework is sponsored by the Department Monday through Thursday from 5:00-8:00 p.m. in 319N Talbot lab. Students may ask any question on 100-300 level AE courses. Tutoring for other technical classes outside of AE (Physics, Chem, TAM, ME, MSE, MATH) can be found through the Center for Academic Resources in Engineering (CARE).

When and what is Engineering Open House (EOH)?

Engineering Open House is held in the spring each year and is designed to spark the curiosity of the general public and students by showcasing the exciting world of science and engineering with student projects and corporate demonstrations. EOH annually attracts 20,000 visitors to the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign for this two day event. Popular exhibits include the Jerry Sanders robotic design contest for college students, the High School design contest, the Grade School Design contest, Concrete Crusher, and so many more.

What is the minimum GPA for admission?

While there is not a minimum GPA or test score required for admission, the Admissions web site shows data from this year's admitted class.

What are the minimum acceptable score at UIUC for AP Credit?

See the Admissions website that lists the AP tests, scores, and credit.

What are the placement recommendations for ACT Scores?

See the Admissions website for cutoff scores and placement recommendations.

What are the application deadlines and requirements for UIUC?

See the Admissions website regarding application deadlines and requirements.

What is the cost of tuition, books, housing, etc.

See the Admissions website for the cost of tuition, books, housing, etc.:

How do I find out about financial aid?

Information is available on the Finanical Aid website. If you have further questions, contact the UIUC Financial Aid Office at 217-333-0100.
Other links of interest:

Campus Scholarships
College Honors Awards

The information from your application is used for the freshman scholarships in Aerospace Engineering. No information is required from the student.

Whom can I contact in Aerospace Engineering if I have further questions?

Laura Gerhold
Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Academic Advisor

Undergraduate Contacts

Tim Bretl

Timothy Bretl
Undergraduate Programs
(217) 244-3126

Laura Ann Gerhold

Laura Ann Gerhold
Academic Advisor & Coordinator of Undergraduate Program
(217) 244-8671

Audrey Cochran

Audrey Cochran
Academic Advisor