Strain gaging and load cells
A specialty of the AE Machine Shop is strain gaging and the construction and calibration of load cells.
Strain gaging
Electrical-resistance strain gages allow the monitoring of mechanical strains in loaded components, such as this composite shell. The AE Machine Shop specializes in applying strain gages to a wide variety of components, large and small.
Strain gages are commonly used for load cells, which are transducers for converting mechanical load to an electrical signal.
Load cells
Commercial-grade load cells are designed, AE Machine Shop strain gaging and load cells manufactured, repaired, and calibrated in the AE Machine Shop. Typical load cells use multiple strain-gage rosettes wired in a full Wheatstone bridge to minimize effects of bending and temperature change.
Load cells come in all sizes. Shown here is a miniature two-element load cell with a compliant core.
Contact Us
4 Talbot Lab
104 S. Wright St.
Urbana, IL 61801
+1 (217) 333-3515
Shop Hours:
8:00am to 4:00pm
Gregory S. Milner
Instrument Maker
Robert Park
Laboratory Mechanic
Dustin Taylor Burns
AE Shop Supervisor