Experimental Fluid Mechanics
Why experimental fluid mechanics?
One might wonder with the advent of computer modeling and simulation supported by ever improving computational resources why we need to conduct experiments to investigate fluid mechanics phenomena experimentally. There are still characteristics of fluid dynamics that are difficult to simulate or understand, due to their complex geometry, flow regime (high Reynolds number, hypersonic Mach number, etc.), unsteady turbulence, separation, complex reactions, and transition which only experiments can provide the sufficient fidelity to study and predict. Additionally with the advent of state-of-the-art diagnostics a higher fidelity of detailed investigations can be performed giving us a more complete picture of the fluid dynamics phenomena.
What is going on in experimental fluid mechanics research at Illinois?
Coupling advanced experimental research facilities at the newly constructed Aerodynamics Research Laboratory (ARL), wind tunnels and advanced diagnostic tools, with world renowned researchers makes the University of Illinois one of the Nation’s top programs for experimental fluid mechanics research. Experiments are conducted over a wide range of scales and flow regimes (subsonic to hypersonic). Research topics include projects focused on the basic research of turbulence, separated flows, plasmas, combustion, steady/unsteady aerodynamics, flow control, and jet noise just to name a few. Additionally the laser diagnostics available enable researchers to measure molecular quantities or full 3D volumetric properties using tomography systems using the infrastructure and expertise at the University of Illinois.
Who are the faculty members in the area?
Courses in this Area
- ME 410 Intermediate Gas Dynamics
- AE 412 Viscous Flow & Heat Transfer credit
- TAM 435 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
- AE 510 Advanced Gas Dynamics
- TAM 532 Viscous Flow credit
- TAM 537 Experimental Fluid Mechanics
- TAM 538 Turbulence credit
- TAM 536 Instability and Transition
- AE 564 Advanced Aero Propulsion Lab
- AE 597 Independent Study credit
- AE 598 Special Topics
Get an advanced degree in aerospace engineering
The Department of Aerospace Engineering offers numerous options for advanced degrees, including: 5-year Bachelor/Master of Science; Master of Science; Online Master of Science - Non-thesis; Master of Engineering in Aerospace Systems; Online MEng in Aerospace Systems; and Doctorate.
The deadline to apply for spring enrollment is December 1.
Not ready to apply? Contact us for more information.