Charles Avi Rovin

Charles Avi Rovin

Favorite college memories: "My favorite memories include assorted Yuri's Night(s), doing work with Student Aircraft Builders, and representing U of I AE while studying abroad in Vienna, Austria."

Immediate plans: "My immediate plan is to work at Moog Inc in their Bill Moog Project--a rotational program that will have me spend the first 3 years of work rotating between Buffalo, New York, Torrance, California, and a TBD international site, likely in the UK.

Where do you hope to be in five to 10 years? "In 5-10 years, I would like to be in some type of position that lends itself well to mentorship. While I've learned a lot in the classes I've taken at Illinois, my greatest areas of growth (both academic and professional) have been a result of my mentors. I hope to pay that forward as well as possible."