Aveline Bundang

Aveline Bundang

Favorite college memories:  “Working on my group's space senior design project, staying up till midnight in the NEL, hanging out with every other space senior in aerospace, and working on our rockets together. Also, in Student Space Systems, firing our hybrid rocket for the first time on our test stand at Willard. And finally, my first job in the aerospace industry at NASA Ames, watching the arc-jet fire and seeing a heat shield glow for the first time in my life, and knowing that I earned this experience, was a very, very good experience.”

Immediate plans: “No plans due to COVID, unfortunately, but I'll be heading back to California to find a job in the aerospace industry, and maybe return to NASA.”

Where would you like to be in 5 to 10 years? “I'd love to be on the west coast, working in the commercial space industry and hopefully on the Artemis project again.”