Marie Agathe Charpagne

Marie Agathe Charpagne
Marie Agathe Charpagne

For More Information


  • M.Eng., Materials and Mechanics - Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne (2013)
  • M.Sc., Energy, Materials and Processing - Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Saint Etienne (2013)
  • PhD, Materials Science - Mines ParisTech (2017)


Dr. Marie Agathe Charpagne was born and studied in France, where she was a first generation college student. She holds a Master of Science in Energy, Materials and Processing (2013), a Master of Engineering in Materials and Mechanics (2013) from Mines Saint Etienne and a PhD in Materials Science and Computational Mechanics from Mines ParisTech (2017). She joined UIUC in Fall of 2021 after spending 5 years as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California Santa Barbara in Tresa Pollock's group. She received her NSF-CAREER and ACF PRF awards in 2023.

Academic Positions

  • Postdoctoral researcher - University of California Santa Barbara (Feb 2017-Aug 2021)

Research Interests

  • 4D materials science
  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Alloy Design
  • Correlative microscopy
  • In-situ testing

Selected Articles in Journals


  • NSF CAREER award (2023 )
  • American Chemical Society PRF DNI award (2023)

Teaching Honors

  • Teachers Ranked as Excellent (Fall 2022, Spring 2024)

Research Honors

  • 2021 JOM editor's choice for A Multi-modal Data Merging Framework for Correlative Investigation of Strain Localization in Three Dimensions (December 2021 )
  • Best PhD thesis award - Society for Metals and Materials (SF2M) (2017)

Public Service Honors

  • "Rising Talent" of the Women's Forum for the economy and society (2017)
  • Key Reader Award, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2022)

Recent Courses Taught

  • MSE 404 AD1 (MSE 404 AD2) - Alloy Design & Performance
  • MSE 404 MP1 (MSE 404 MP2, MSE 441) - Metals Processing
  • MSE 406 - Thermal-Mech Behavior of Matls
  • MSE 595 - Materials Colloquium