Wayne C Solomon

Wayne C Solomon
Wayne C Solomon
Professor Emeritus


  • Ph.D. Chemistry University of Oregon 1963
  • B.S. Chemistry University of Idaho 1956

Academic Positions

  • Professor (Emeritus), Aerospace Engineering, UIUC, 2002-present
  • Professor of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, University of Illinois, 1988-2001
  • Head, Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering Department, University of Illinois, 1988-1999
  • Visiting Professor, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Goettingen, West Germany, 1967-1969

Other Professional Employment

  • Director of Engineering, Advanced Systems, Bell Aerospace Textron, Wheatfield, NY, 1987-1988
  • Director of Advanced System Technology, Bell Aerospace Textron, Wheatfield, NY, 1985-1987
  • Program Director, Prototype Laser Systems, Bell Aerospace Textron, Wheatfield, NY, 1982-1986
  • Director of Advanced Technology, Bell Aerospace Textron, Wheatfield, NY, 1980-1982
  • Director of High Energy Laser Technology, Bell Aerospace Textron, Wheatfield, NY, 1973-1980
  • Chief of Kinetics and Thermodynamics, Air Force Astronautics Laboratory, Edwards, CA, 1969-1973
  • Staff Scientist, Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory, Edwards, CA, 1963-1967
  • Director, Aerospace Illinois, National Space Grant Consortium, 1991-2003
  • President, CU Aerospace

Research Interests

  • Advanced Propulsion
  • Chemical Lasers
  • Non-Equilibrium Flow

Chapters in Books

  • W. C. Solomon, "Chemical Lasers," Lasers and Optical Technology, Academic Press, New York, NY, 1991.
  • J. A. Blauer and W. C. Solomon, "Electronic Transition Lasers," MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1977.

Selected Articles in Journals

  • L. H. Klemm and W. C. Solomon, "Hydrocarbon Structures, Polagraphy and Spectra," J. Org. Chem., 27, 2777 (1962).
  • W. C. Solomon and L. H. Dee, "Cycloaddition Mechanisms," J. Org. Chem., 29, 2970 (1964).
  • W. C. Solomon and L. H. Dee, "Defluorination Chemistry," J. Org. Chem., 31, 1551 (1966).
  • J. A. Blauer and W. C. Solomon, "Kinetics of OF2 Behind Incident Shockwaves," J. Phys. Chem., 72, 2307 (1968).
  • W. C. Solomon and J. A. Blauer, "Kinetics of OF2 in a Static Reactor," J. Phys. Chem., 72, 2311 (1968).
  • W. C. Solomon, J. Warnatz and K. H. Homann, "Reaction of Atomic Nitrogen and Atomic Hydrogen with Hydrocarbons," Int. J. Chem. Kinetics, 2, 254 (1970).
  • J. Warnatz, K. H. Homann and W. C. Solomon, "Erzeugung won Fluoratomen in Inerter Atmosphere," Ber. Bunsen Ges. Physik. Chem., 74, 585 (1970).
  • W. C. Solomon and J. A. Blauer, "Interactions of Halogen Atoms with Shock-Heated Hydrogen Fluoride," Thirteenth Int. Symposium on Combustion, pp. 109-126 (1970).
  • V. S. Englemann, J. A. Blauer and W. C. Solomon, "Shock Tube Kinetics of Chlorine Monofluoride," J. Phys. Chem., 75, 2929 (1971).
  • J. A. Blauer, W. C. Solomon and L. H. Sentman, "Catalytic Efficiencies of H2O D2O, NO and HCL in the Vibrational Relaxation of HF and DF," J. Chem. Phys., 57, 3277 (1972).
  • J. A. Blauer and W. C. Solomon, "Heat of Dissociation of Molecular Fluorine," J. Chem. Physics, 57, 3587 (1972).
  • J. A. Blauer and W. C. Solomon, "Catalytic Efficiencies of Reactive Atomic Species in Vibrational Relaxation of HF and DF," Fourteenth Int. Symposium on Combustion, pp. 189-202 (1973).
  • W. C. Solomon and J. A. Blauer, "Vibrational Relaxation of JF (v=3, v=2 and v=1) by F Atoms," Int. J. Chem. Kin., 5, 553 (1973).
  • L. H. Sentman and W. C. Solomon, "Kinetics of Vibrational of HF-N2 Systems," J. Chem. Physics, 59, 89 (1973).
  • W. Baumann, S. W. Zelazny and W. C. Solomon, "Kinetic Model and Computer Simulation of c.w. Chemical Lasers," Applied Optics, 13, 2823 (1974).
  • W. C. Solomon, "Performance of Supersonic c.w. DF/CO2 Transfer Lasers," SPIE Collection, 76, 111 (1976).
  • S. W. Zelazny, J. A. Blauer, L. H. Sentman and W. C. Solomon, "The Transfer Chemical Laser," Applied Optics, 15, 1164 (1976).
  • S. W. Zelazny, R. J. Driscoll, J. W. Raymonda and W. C. Solomon, "An Examination of Key Assumption in Modeling cw. Chemical Lasers, AIAA Journal 16, 297 (1978).
  • J. A. Blauer, S. W. Zelazny, G. D. Hager, and W. C. Solomon, "Comprehensive Kinetics Model for Transfer Lasers," IEEE J. Quant. Electronics, QE-15, 602 (1979).
  • G. D. Hager, L. M. Wood, F. B. Bossler and W. C. Solomon, "Operating Characteristics of a High Pressure Transfer Laser," IEEE J. Quant. Electronics, QE-15, 595 (1980).
  • O. A. Smith and W. C. Solomon, "Kinetics of Hydrazine Decomposition on Iridium Catalysts," Ind. Eng. Chem., 21, 374 (1982).
  • W. C. Solomon, "A Multipurpose Chemical Laser," J. Defense Research, 1985 (classified).
  • R. O. Foelsche, J. M. Keen, P. Buckley, E. Corporan and W. C. Solomon, "Non-Equilibrium Combustion Models for Fuel Rich Gas Generators," AIAA J. Propulsion and Power, 10,461 (1994).
  • K. K. Wetzel and W. C. Solomon, "Hydrogen Recombination Kinetics and Nuclear Thermal Rocket Performance", AIAA J. Propulsion and Power, 10,492 (1994).
  • L.H. Klemm, W.C. Solomon, and A. P. Tamiz, Molecular Complexation and Kinetics for Condensation, J. O. Chem Soc., 63, 6503 (1998)
  • D.L. Carroll and W.C. Solomon, ElectriCOIL: An Advanced Chemical Iodine Laser Concept Proc. XIII Intenational Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers Conference, Florence, Italy, International Soc. For Optical Engineering, 4184. (2000).
  • D.L. Carroll, D.M. King, L Fockler, D. Stromberg, W.C. Solomon and L.H. Sentman, High Performance Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Lasers, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 36,40-51 (2000).
  • D. L. Carroll, J. T. Verdeyen, D. M. King, B. S. Woodard, L. W. Skorski, J. W. Zimmerman, and W. C. Solomon, Modeling of the ElectriCOIL System, IEEE J. of Quantum Electronics, 39,1150-1160 (2003).
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J. Zimmerman, J. Laystrom, B. Woodard, G. Benavides, K. Kittell, and W.C. Solomon, "Path to the measurement of positive gain on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge," accepted for publication in IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol 41, pp 213-224 (2005).
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J. Zimmerman, J. Laystrom, B. Woodard, N. Richardson, K. Kittell, M.J. Kushner, and W.C. Solomon, "Measurement of positive gain on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 85, No. 8, pp. 1320-1322 (2004).
  • D. L. Carroll*, J. T. Verdeyen, D. M. King, J. W. Zimmerman, J. K. Laystrom, B. S. Woodard, G. F. Benavides, K. Kittell, M. J. Kushner and W. C. Solomon, CW laser oscillation on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(a1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge, Applied Physics Letters,¡¨ 86, 111-104 (2005).
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J. Zimmerman, J. Laystrom, B. Woodard, G. Benavides, N. Richardson, K. Kittell, and W.C. Solomon, "Studies of CW laser oscillation on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge," IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, Vol. 41, No. 10, pp. 1309-1318. Oct. 2005,
  • D. L. Carroll*, J. T. Verdeyen, D. M. King, J. W. Zimmerman, J. K. Laystrom, B. S. Woodard, G. F. Benavides, K. Kittell, M. J. Kushner and W. C. Solomon, CW laser oscillation on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(a1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge, Applied Physics Letters, 86, 111-104 (2005).
  • J. T. Verdeyen, D. L. Carroll, D. M. King, J. K. Laystrom, G. F. Benavides J. W, Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard, and W. C. Solomon, Continuous-wave laser oscillation in subsonic flow on the 1315 nm transition of atomic iodine pumped by O2(a1ƒ´) produced in an electric discharge, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 101115, 2006.
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, A.D. Palla, J.K. Laystrom, G.F. Benavides, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, and W.C. Solomon, Development of the electric discharge oxygen-iodine laser, Proceedings of the XVI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Gmunden, Austria, 4 V 8 September 2006, The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. 6346, pp. 63460H-1-8 (2007).
  • A.D. Palla, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, T.C. Lim and W.C. Solomon, Oxygen Discharge and post-discharge kinetics experiments and modeling for the EOIL system, J. Phys. Chem. A (2007).
  • G.G. Benavides, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, T.H. Field, A.D. Palla and W.C. Solomon, Gain and continous-wave laser power enhancement with a secondary discharge to dissociate molecular iodine in and electric-oxygen-Iodine laser, Applied Physics Letters, 92,041116(2008).
  • J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, G.F. Benavides, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, A.D. Palla, T.H. Field, and W.C. Solomon, "Gain and continuous-wave laser power enhancement with a multiple discharge electric oxygen-iodine discharge," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, 241115 (2008).
  • B.S. Woodard, J.W. Zimmerman, G.F. Benavides, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, T.H. Field, W.C. Solomon, S.J. Davis, W.T. Rawlins, and S. Lee, "Gain and continuous-wave laser oscillation on the 1315 nm atomic iodine transition pumped by an Air-Helium electric discharge," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, 021104 (2008).
  • J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, J.T. Verdeyen, D.L. Carroll, T.H. Field, G.F. Benavides, and W.C. Solomon, Influence of frequency of O2(a1ƒ´) and oxygen atom production in transverse radio-frequency discharges, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., Vol. 41, 195209 (2008).
  • G.F. Benavides, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, A.D. Palla, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J.K. Laystrom, T.H. Field, and W.C. Solomon, "Hybrid Electric Oxygen-Iodine Laser Performance Enhancements and Measurements," J. of Directed Energy, Vol. 3, pp. 80-96 (2008).
  • J.W. Zimmerman, G.F. Benavides, A.D. Palla, B.S. Woodard, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, and W.C. Solomon, "Gain recovery in an electric oxygen-iodine laser," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 94, 021109 (2009).

Articles in Conference Proceedings

  • G.F. Benavides, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, A.D. Palla, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, and W.C. Solomon, "Spatial and recovery measurements of gain in an electric oxygen-iodine laser," LASE 2009 Conference, San Jose, California, 26-27 January 2009, SPIE Vol. 7196, pp. 7196-02 (2009).
  • B.S. Woodard, J.W. Zimmerman, G.F. Benavides, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, A.D. Palla, T.H. Field, W.C. Solomon, S. Lee, W.T. Rawlins, and S.J. Davis, "Demonstration of an iodine laser pumped by an air-helium electric discharge," LASE 2009 Conference, San Jose, California, 26-27 January 2009, SPIE Vol. 7196, pp. 7196-05 (2009).
  • D.L. Carroll, G.F. Benavides, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, A.D. Palla, J.T. Verdeyen, and W.C. Solomon, "Systematic development of the electric discharge oxygen-iodine laser," Proceedings of the XVII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 15 ¡V 19 September 2008, The International Society for Optical Engineering, to be published (2008).
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, G.F. Benavides, A.D. Palla, T.H. Field, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, and W.C. Solomon, "Measurements of Improved Hybrid ElectricOIL Discharge Performance, Gain, and Laser Power," AIAA Paper 2008-4008, AIAA 39th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Seattle, WA, 23-26 June 2008.
  • B.S. Woodard, J.W. Zimmerman, J.T. Verdeyen, D.L. Carroll, T.H. Field, G.F. Benavides, A.D. Palla, and W.C. Solomon, "Improved production of O2(a1ƒ´) in transverse radio-frequency discharges," HPLA 2008 Conference, Taos, NM, 21-24 April 2008, SPIE Vol. 7005, pp. 70051L-1-9 (2008).
  • J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, J.T. Verdeyen, D.L. Carroll, T.H. Field, and W.C. Solomon, "Improved production of O2(a1ƒ´) in capacitively-coupled radio-frequency discharges," LASE 2008 Conference, San Jose, California, 21-24 January 2008, SPIE Vol. 6874, pp. 68740C-1-12 (2008).
  • G.F. Benavides, A.D. Palla, D.M. King, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, J.K. Laystrom, T.H. Field, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, and W.C. Solomon, "Hybrid ElectricOIL Discharge, Gain, and Power Enhancements," AIAA Paper 2007-4623, AIAA 38th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Miami, FL, 25-28 June 2007.
  • J. W. Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard, J. T. Verdeyen, D. L. Carroll, T. H. Field, and W. C. Solomon, "Improved production of O2(1D) in capacitively-coupled radio-frequency discharges" Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers Applications Conference, San Jose, Ca., January 2008
  • G.F. Benavides, A.D Palla, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D. M. King, J.K. Laystrom, J.W. Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard, and W.C. Solomon, "Hybrid Electric Oxygen-Iodine Performance Enhancements and Electric Measurements" Invited paper, DoD, DEPS Conference, November, 2007.
  • G. F. Benavides, A. D. Palla, D. M. King, D. L. Carroll, J. T. Verdeyen, J. K. Laystrom, T. H. Field, J. W. Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard, and W. C. Solomon, AIAA Paper No. 2007-4623 (2007).
  • J.W. Zimmerman, D.M. King, A.D. Palla, J.T. Verdeyen, D.L. Carroll, J.K. Laystrom, G.F. Benavides, B.S. Woodard, W.C. Solomon, W.T. Rawlins, S.J. Davis, and M.C. Heaven, "Important kinetic effects in the hybrid ElectricOIL system," Proceedings of the High Power Laser Ablation Conference, Taos, New Mexico, 8-12, April 2007.
  • G.F. Benavides, A.D. Palla, D.M. King, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, J.K. Laystrom, T.H. Field, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, and W.C. Solomon, "Hybrid ElectricOIL Discharge, Gain, and Power Enhancements," AIAA Paper 2007-4623, AIAA 38th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Miami, FL, 25-28 June 2007.
  • A.D. Palla, J.W. Zimmerman, B.S. Woodard, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, T.C. Lim, W.T. Rawlins, S. Lee, S.J. Davis, and W.C. Solomon "ElectricOIL discharge and post-discharge kinetics experiments and modeling" Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers and Applications VII Conference, San Jose, California 23 January 2007, SPIE Vol.__, in press
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J.W. Zimmerman, J.K. Laystrom, B.S. Woodard, G.F. Benavides, K. Kittell, and W.C. Solomon, Proceedings of the XVI International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Gmunden, Austria, 4-8 September 2006 (2006).
  • J. W. Zimmerman, D. M. King, A. D. Palla, J. T. Veredyen, D. L. Carroll, J. K. Laystrom, G. F. Benavides, B. S. Woodard, W. T. Rawlins, S. J. Davis, M.C. Heaven, and W. C. Solomon, "Important Kinetic effect in the Hybrid ElectricOIL System" SPIE International Symposium, High-Power Laser Ablation, Taos, N.M., 2006.
  • D.M. King, D. L. Carroll, J. T. Verdeyen, J. K. Laystrom, G. F. Benavides, J. W. Zimmerman, B. S. Woodard and W. C. Solomon, "Power Enhancement of the Hybrid Electric ElectricOIL laser", AIAA Paper, AIAA 37th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, June 6, San Francisco Ca (2006).
  • A. D. Palla, D. L. Carroll, J. T. Verdeyen, and W.C. Solomon, "Modeling of ElectricOIL. Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers and Applications VI Conference, San Jose, California 26 January 2006, SPIE Vol.__, in press
  • A. D. Palla, D. L. Carroll, J. T. Verdeyen, and W.C. Solomon, "Post-Discharge Modeling of Recent ElectricOIL Experiments" AIAA Paper__, AIAA 36th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, June 9, Toronto, Ca, (2005).
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, J.W. Zimmerman, J.K. Laystrom, B.S. Woodard, G.F. Benavides, K. Kittell, and W.C. Solomon, "Experimental Effects of Atomic Oxygen on the Development of an Electric Discharge Oxygen Iodine Laser," Proceedings of the XV International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 30 August ¡V 3 September 2004, The International Society for Optical Engineering, in press.
  • D.L. Carroll, Verdeyen, J.T., King, D.M., Benavides, G., Woodard, B.S., Richardson, N., Solomon, W.C., Rawlins, W.T., Davis, S.J., and Kessler, W.J., "Preliminary yield measurements in the ElectriCOIL system," Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers and Applications IV Conference, San Jose, California 26 January 2004, SPIE Vol. 5334, pp. 79-87
  • J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, D.L. Carroll, W.C. Solomon, "Diagnostic development for the ElectriCOIL flow system," Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam Applications III Conference, San Jose, California 22-24 January 2002, The Int. Soc. for Opt. Eng. Vol. 4631, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, WA 98227-0010, pp. 154-160.
  • D.L. Carroll, D.M. King, L. Skorski, W.C. Solomon, and J.T. Verdeyen, "Modeling the ElectriCOIL System," AIAA Paper 2002-2277, AIAA 33rd Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, May 20-23, 2002.
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, D.M. King, B. Woodard, L.W. Skorski, J.W. Zimmerman, and W.C. Solomon, "Recent Work on the Development of an Electric Discharge Oxygen Iodine Laser," Proceedings of the XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Wroclaw, Poland, 26-30 August 2002, The International Society for Optical Engineering Vol. ????, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010, pp. .
  • J.W. Zimmerman, L.W. Skorski, W.C. Solomon, M.J. Kushner, J.T. Verdeyen, and D.L. Carroll, "Electrodynamic modeling of the ElectriCOIL system," Proceedings of the Gas and Chemical Lasers and Intense Beam V Conference, San Jose, California 30 January 2003, SPIE Vol. 4971, pp. 81-86.
  • D.L. Carroll, D.M. King, J.T. Verdeyen, B. Woodard, J.W. Zimmerman, L.W. Skorski, and W.C. Solomon, "Recent Experimental Measurements of the ElectriCOIL System," AIAA Paper 2003-4029, AIAA 34th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, June 23-26, Orlando, FL, 2003.
  • D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, J.W. Zimmerman, L.W. Skorski, and W.C. Solomon, "Recent Electrodynamics Modeling of the ElectriCOIL System," AIAA Paper 2003-4030, AIAA 34th Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, June 23-26, Orlando, FL, 2003
  • W.C. Solomon, J.W. Zimmerman, L.W. Skorski, B. Woodard, D.L. Carroll, J.T. Verdeyen, and D.M. King, "Recent Progress in Modeling the ElectriCOIL System," Proceedings of Laser Optics 2003 held in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 30 - July 3, 2003, The International Society for Optical Engineering, P.O. Box 10, Bellingham, Washington 98227-0010, in press
  • D.L. Carroll, D. M. King, J. T. Verdeyen, L. Skolrski, and W. C. Solomon, "Diagnostic Data for the ElectriCOIL System", SPIE International Symposium, High-Power Laser Ablation, Taos, N.M., 2002., See also, SPIE , Lase 2002 Conference, 4624-31, San Jose 2002.
  • W. D. Deininger, J. Bladt, E. H. Sholes, W. A. Hoskins, R. L. Burton, W. C. Solomon, J. R. Frus, S. W. Benson, "Pulsed Plasma Thruster System for Formation Flying", International Symposium on Formation Flying Missions and Systems, October 2002, Toulouse, France
  • D. M. King, D. L. Carroll, J. K. Laystrom, J. Verdeyen, , M. Sexauer and W. C. Solomon, "ElectriCOIL: Preliminary Experiments of Excited Oxygen Generation, by RF Discharge," Proc. of Int. Conf. On Lasers 2000, Albuquerque, pp. 265-272 (2001) Invited paper,
  • D.L. Carroll, W.C. Solomon, D.M. King, L. Fockler, D. Stromberg, M. Sexauer, A. Milmoe, and L.H. Sentman, "Advanced Mixing Nozzle Concepts for COIL," Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '99, eds. V.J. Corcoran and T.A. Goldman, STS Press, McLean VA, 2000.
  • D.S. Stromberg, L.A. Fockler, D.L. Carroll, and W.C. Solomon, "New Simulations for COIL lasers from the University of Illinois," Proceedings of Laser Optics 2000 held in St. Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 2000.
  • D.L. Carroll and W.C. Solomon, "ElectriCOIL: An Advanced Chemical Iodine Laser Concept," Proceedings of the XIII International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers and High Power Laser Conference, Florence, Italy, 18-22 September 2000.
  • D.M. King, D.L. Carroll, J.K. Laystrom, J. Verdeyen, M. Sexauer, and W.C. Solomon, "ElectriCOIL: Preliminary Experiments of Excited Oxygen Generation by RF Discharge," Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Lasers 2000 held in Albuquerque, NM, eds. V. Corcoran and T. Goldman, STS Press, McLean VA, 4-8 December 2000,
  • D.L. Carroll, D.M. King, L. Fockler, D. Stromberg, W.C. Solomon, L.H. Sentman, and C.H. Fisher, "Performance of a High Power Chemical Oxygen-Iodine Laser using Nitrogen Diluent," Proceedings of the International Conference on Lasers '98, eds. V.J. Corcoran and T.A. Goldman, STS Press, McLean VA, 1999, pp. 257-268.
  • W.C. Solomon, D.L. Carroll, D.M. King, L. Fockler, D. Stromberg, M. Sexauer, A. Milmoe, and L.H. Sentman, "Commercial Applications for COIL," Presented at AHPLA '99 held in Osaka, Japan, 1-5 November 1999, in press.
  • Invited Paper, D. L. Carroll, D. King, W.C. Solomon, and L.H. Sentman, "COIL Chemical Lasers" International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers, St. Petersberg, Russia, August 1998.
  • D.L. Carroll, D. King, L. Fockler, D. Stromberg, W. C. Solomon and L. H. Sentman, "Perfomance of COIL Lasers Systems using Nitrogen Diluent, Lasers 98," Tucson (Dec).
  • D. L. Carroll, D. M. King, L. Fockler, D. Stromberg, T. J. Madden, W. C. Solomon, and L. H. Sentman, COIL for Industrial Applications, 29th Plasma and Lasers Conference, AIAA 98-2992, Albuquerque, 1998.
  • T. J. Madden, D. L. Carroll and W. C. Solomon, "Performance of COIL Lasers at low and intermediate pressures," Paper No. 97-227, 28th Plasma dynamics and Lasers Conference, Atlanta, Ga, 1997.
  • T. J. Madden, D. L. Carroll and W. C. Solomon, "Investigation of High Pressure COIL Performance Improvement using CFD Methods," Paper No. 96-2354, 27th Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference, New Orleans, LA. 1996.
  • K. Davis, W.T. Cerven and W. C. Solomon, "Methane Fueled Aerospace Propulsion Systems," 31th AIAA Propulsion Conference, Paper No. 95-2769, San Diego, CA, July 1995.
  • T. J. Madden, D. L. Carroll and W. C. Solomon, "CFD Investigation of High Pressure Coil Devices," AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, San Diego, July 1995.
  • W. C. Solomon and G. Moore, Organizers, Midwest Space Grant Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 1995.
  • W. C. Solomon, Organizer, NASA Space Grant Directors Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 1994.
  • W. C. Solomon, L. H. Sentman, D. Carroll, and T. Madden, Technical Paper, Air Force Phillips Laboratory Meeting on Coil Laser Technology Assessment Meeting, Albequerque, NM, March 1994.
  • W. C. Solomon, Invited Talk, NASA Space Grant Directors Meeting, Cleveland, OH, October 1993.
  • T. J. Madden, D. L. Carroll and W. C. Solomon, "Mixing and Reaction in COIL Systems," AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, Boulder, CO, July 1994.
  • T. J. Madden and W. C. Solomon, "Augmented Mixing and Combustion of Gaseous Fuel in a Supersonic Combustor," 29th AIAA Propulstion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1993.
  • K. K. Wetzel and W. C. Solomon, "Effect of the Uncertainty in Hydrogen Recombination Kinetics for Nuclear Thermal Propulsion," 29th AIAA Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1993.
  • R. O. Foelsche, J. M. Keen and W. C. Solomon, "Non-Equilibrium Combustion Models for Fuel Rich Gas Generators for Ramjets," 29th AIAA Propulsion Conference, Monterey, CA, July 1993.

Other Publications

  • "Mission to America", Woods Hole Workshop, Report of Council of Space Grant Directors to NASA, Administrator, pp. 11-16, August 1992.

Professional Societies

  • Combustion Institute
  • American Association for the Advancement of Science
  • American Chemical Society
  • AIAA Technical Committee on System Design
  • AIAA, Associate Fellow


  • AIAA Fellow Award (2007)
  • AIAA Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Award (2005)
  • Silver and Gold Award (1996)
  • Outstanding Alumni Award (1995)