Nikhil Ashok receives Best Poster award

8/1/2024 Debra Levey Larson

Written by Debra Levey Larson

Nikhil Ashok with his adviser Xin Ning when Ashok received the Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Fellowship this past spring.
Nikhil Ashok with his adviser Xin Ning when Ashok received the Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton Fellowship this past spring.

Aerospace engineering Ph.D. student Nikhil Ashok received an award for the Best Poster at the 2nd Annual Birck Symposium at Purdue University for his poster entitled “Bio-Inspired Electronic Skin for Morphing Wings.” 

“My research centers on the design and fabrication of multifunctional aerospace structures, specifically focusing on a bio-inspired electronic skin for morphing wings,” Ashok said. “Using advanced microfabrication techniques, I have developed a strain-sensing skin that achieves optimal performance through dynamic switching, mimicking the human nervous system. This ultra-thin and lightweight electronic skin can be conformally attached to aircraft wings, addressing challenges associated with closed-loop morphing.”

posterAshok received his Bachelor of Technology degree in 2014 from the College of Engineering Trivandrum. In 2017, he earned a Master of Engineering degree in automotive engineering from the University of Michigan. He is currently working toward a doctorate at Illinois. His adviser is Xin Ning.

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This story was published August 1, 2024.