Hiroyasu Tsukamoto named a 2024 Innovator Under 35

1/24/2025 Debra Levey Larson

Written by Debra Levey Larson

Hiroyasu Tsukamoto
Hiroyasu Tsukamoto

Hiroyasu Tsukamoto’s work in shaping the future of intelligent deep space exploration and developing a mathematical foundation for decision-making under uncertainty caught the eye of MIT’s Technology Review nominators from Japan. Tsukamoto was named one of 10 Innovators Under 35 for 2024.  He was also named Outstanding Innovator Award by Dentsu Soken Inc., an honor awarded to only one of the 10 awardees. This past fall, he joined the faculty in the Department of Aerospace Engineering in The Grainger College of Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Hiroyasu Tsukamoto was recognized as with the Outstanding Innovator Award by Dentsu Soken Inc. at the Innovators Under 35 Japan Summit 2024 in Nihonbashi
Hiroyasu Tsukamoto was recognized as with the Outstanding Innovator Award by Dentsu Soken Inc. at the Innovators Under 35 Japan Summit 2024 in Nihonbashi

Tsukamoto was selected from a list of over 200 candidates that included entrepreneurs, researchers, and social activists. The award program, that began in 1999 as a list of 100 Innovators, now includes a global list of 35 and additional awards to a select few from specific regions. Japan was added in 2020.

After earning his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in 2023, Tsukamoto was a postdoctoral researcher in robotics at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Prior to his arrival at U. of I., he worked in research and technology development projects for system-level distributed spacecraft autonomy at JPL and Caltech.

Empirical validation of Hiroyasu Tsukamoto’s theory with the multi-spacecraft testbed at the Autonomous Robotics and Control Lab, Caltech (https://aerospacerobotics.caltech.edu/)
Empirical validation of Hiroyasu Tsukamoto’s theory with the multi-spacecraft testbed at the Autonomous Robotics and Control Lab, Caltech (https://aerospacerobotics.caltech.edu/

His theory has been successfully applied to intelligent guidance and control software for interstellar object exploration with highly unpredictable orbital properties and, more recently, to provably robust architecture for distributed multi-spacecraft networks under interactional uncertainty.

At Illinois, Tsukamoto’s  research group focuses on research and education in sustainable and autonomous space exploration, establishing the groundwork for generalized system-level autonomy. He also proactively engages in outreach activities to inspire profound societal interest in space science and engineering using his website, YouTube, and science boot camps for K12 students.

Read the full announcement on the MIT Technology Review website.

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This story was published January 24, 2025.